Oleksandra Sehin 

My spiritual awakening started at the beginning of 2018. My job, environment, and the people in my life were not bringing joy anymore but my soul, my heart, and my spirit were longing for peace, happiness, excitement and fulfillment. During that time, I started asking the universe the question about the purpose of my existence in this world. To my greatest surprise, the answers came almost immediately. I was guided to a YouTube channel, and this is where my swift awakening process started. Since that time almost every evening and every weekend I spent learning different aspects of the “Ascension Process”, and I took all opportunities to grow spiritually. I took courses in mediumships, healing (quantum and kundalini reiki), and light language. I have read countless books on topics related to the creation of the universe, souls’ development, and akashic records. I had numerous sessions with astrologers and spiritual teachers to better understand my purpose, my soul’s urge, and my soul contract for this incarnation. All this brought me such pleasant and peaceful feelings of being home again. At last I started feeling connected again with my heart and my higher being.


During my awakening process, I have been working on self-healing my wounds from childhood trauma of identity and unworthiness (“I do not have a right to exist”) by using different healing modalities (light language, quantum healing, kundalini reiki). With the help of my divine team, ascended masters, galactic beings of love and light and my divine feminine mentors (Hathors, Isis, Quan Yin, Green Tara, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and White Buffalo Woman), I have healed my ancestral lineage and cleared, balanced, and aligned my energy centers. I have healed traumas from my past incarnations with the help of my self-recorded affirmations and meditations (my voice has delta wave vibration which has calming and soothing effect on listeners).


During the time of my awakening phase, I started receiving a lot of channeled information and new ideas of how to share the acquired knowledge with other people. For the past several years, I have spent a lot of time in deep thinking on esoteric and spiritual topics and have done a lot of research on how to introduce information/knowledge to people in a way that is simple, entertaining and easy to understand. And this was the time when I started putting into reality my ideas of upcoming workshops along with offering my healing meditations and mentoring practices. In my meditations, along with the soothing effect of my voice, I also use different sound healing instruments with the purpose of bringing harmony, peace, and calmness to the body and mind. I hope you will enjoy the guided meditations and feel their healing effects.


To learn more about my spiritual journey and to access my pre-recorded workshops and meditations, please visit my website https://knowledgeinabundance.com/ or my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@knowledgeinabundance/about


I hold a doctoral degree in Adult, Professional, and Community Education and have more than 15 years of experience teaching in higher education (teaching both young adults and the adult community). I have several years of experience leading in-person meditation workshops as well as providing spiritual mentoring sessions for sensitive children/young adults/women in person and online format. My teaching philosophy is based on simplicity of presented information. I like finding simplicity in everything – in the stillness of nature, in the natural rhythm of the earth and in the way the knowledge is presented and shared with the audience.